Thank you for your interest in attending a performance at Brigham Young University. To make your experience the most pleasant it can be, please be aware of the following attendance and ticketing policies. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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Where is the best place to buy tickets online?
The safest and cheapest place to buy tickets is through the BYU Ticketing website at StubHub is also an approved ticketing vendor. Other ticketing websites are not approved and may be predatory.
Can I purchase tickets to all performing arts events at either the Music Building (MB) or Marriott Center ticket office locations?
Yes. The ticket offices in the Music Building and Marriott Center operate on the same ticketing system and function in real time. You get the exact same access to tickets at both locations. If you are coming to campus specifically to purchase tickets, the Marriott Center has more convenient parking than does the Music Building. You can also purchase tickets by calling (801) 422-2981 or online at
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How can I change my tickets?
Please visit At the bottom of the page there is a chat feature. This will be the quickest way to connect to our box office staff, who can help make this change for you. You can also email the ticket office at
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How do I get tickets to a school matinee for my students?
These performances are not open to the public. To reserve tickets for your school group, please contact JoNell Stoddard at
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Do you offer discounted tickets for groups?
Yes. For many of our performances, we offer discounted tickets for groups of 10 or more. All of the tickets must be purchased in a single transaction by a single individual. Though we offer group discounts to many events, there are some which do not offer discounts of any kind. Please contact the BYU Ticket Office for information and to purchase tickets for your group.
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Am I eligible for a student discount?
You are eligible if you are a student at any institution, including elementary through high school, universities and trade schools.
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At what age do I qualify for a senior discount?
Our senior discount starts at 62 years old.
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Do you offer standby tickets for sold out performances?
Yes and no. We offer standby ticketing for all sold out performances using general admission (non-reserved) seating. This is most often limited to the Studio Theatre and, on occasion, the Black Box Theatre (both at West Campus). We never offer standby ticketing for sold out reserved-seat performances or events. Information about standby tickets can be found on the web page for the specific event or by contacting the BYU Ticket Office at (801) 422-2981. Rush tickets are sometimes available for popular performances. Please check with the Ticket Office, or visit a performance’s event page for details.
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Are your venues equipped with assisted listening devices?
Assisted listening devices are planned for use in the Music Building but are not yet available. Please check back for more information. These devices are unique to these venues and are not compatible with the system used in other locations on campus. Devices can be checked out at the Ticket Office prior to the start of the performance. Assisted listening devices are compatible only for performances that use amplified sound. Assisted listening devices will not work for acoustic and unreinforced performances. Assisted listening devices operate from an infrared system, and may not be compatible with all hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Assisted listening devices are not available in any of the West Campus venues.
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Do you offer performances interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL)?
Yes. Each of our theatre productions has a designated ASL interpreted performance. Learn more here.
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Where are disabled persons allowed to park?
A person who has a state-issued disability permit or license plate may park in any disability stall, regular stall, or unlimited in a time stall that has a clock symbol on the designating sign. Disability stalls for the Music Building (MB) are located directly north of the building (lot 27A) and southwest of the building between the MB and the Wilkinson Student Center. (Wheelchair access to the MB is available on the north end of the building.) Parking on red curbs is prohibited. Disability permits are not allowed in specialty stalls such as Official, Dean, Director, Nursery, Service, or department issued stalls. Please check signs to ensure proper parking.
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I left my wallet/purse/coat/laptop under my seat at one of the performances I attended. Do you have a lost and found?
Yes. Following each performance, the front-of-house staff walks through the venue to retrieve any lost or forgotten items. They are taken to Coat Check on the southeast corner of the second floor of the Music Building. The next day all lost and found items are taken to the campus lost and found in the Wilkinson Student Center at 1055 WSC. They can be reached by calling (801) 422-3024. Learn more about BYU Lost and Found. Lost credit cards and BYU ID cards are taken to the Music Building Ticket Office for safekeeping until they are claimed by the owner. If they are not claimed within a reasonable period of time, they are destroyed.
Lost and found items at West Campus venues are taken to the building management office. Items are regularly taken to campus Lost and Found in the Wilkinson Student Center at 1055 WSC.
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Do you provide booster seats for children?
Yes. We have a limited number of child booster seats available for any of the performances in the Music Building. These can be obtained at Coat Check on the second floor. Booster seats are not available at West Campus or the Richards Building Dance Performance Theatre because they are not compatible with the seats used in those venues.
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Where are the bathrooms?
Bathrooms in the Music Building are located on each floor of the building. Ask an usher for directions. Bathrooms are also conveniently located nearby the Dance Performance Theater in the Richards Building, nearby each venue at the West Campus Central Building, and at the Marriott Center.
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Can I rent a theatre or studio at BYU to put on a show, concert, or recital of my own?
No. Our venues are only available for use by official BYU departments. The reality is that the theatre and concert spaces in the Music Building and West Campus Central Buildings are in such high demand that little (if any) free time exists during the year for use by anyone other than the Dept. of Dance, Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts, School of Music, and BRAVO! Series.
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Can I advertise in one of your theatre playbills or concert programs?
Yes. We offer advertising in many of our programs. Please contact BYU Arts Marketing and Creative Services to learn more. (801) 422-9348.
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What should I wear to a performance? Do you have a dress code?
We do not have an official dress code for any of our performances, although you are encouraged and invited to dress appropriately for the event you are planning to attend (in most cases, business casual or Sunday best). You will not be turned away if you are wearing jeans or shorts, but why not make a night of it and get dressed up? BYU students and employees must comply with the BYU Honor Code’s Dress and Grooming Standards.
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Can I get in free to a performance after it has started or during intermission?
No. A valid ticket is required for all performances for which tickets have been issued. Patrons are not allowed to enter ticketed performances for free at any time, even if seats are available.
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What is the minimum age required to attend a performance?
In most cases, children age six and older may attend any of our performances. Some performances allow children younger than age six to attend. Babies in arms are not permitted at any of our performances.
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How long are the performances?
Lengths of performances vary widely. However, most music concerts in the Music Building Concert Hall last approximately 90 minutes, student recitals last one hour, and dance concerts and plays often last 90 minutes to two hours. Musicals and operas often last two and a half hours.
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Can I bring food to a performance?
No. Food and drink of any kind is not permitted in any of our venues except the Marriott Center.